Prices Realized

Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 4021 - flugpost rhein-main

Friday Mar 17, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Mar 18, 2017 20:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Mar 17, 11:30 GMT

DARMSTADT 22. 6. 12, airmail stamp 20 Pfg with plate flaw field 53 "color point between O and S in airmail" together with 5 Pfg Germania on gray brown airmail postcard, smooth box - print variant: diagonal struck through "ft" in the word airmail postcard on the reverse, address cancel "old palace Darmstadt" (former starting price 80)
DARMSTADT 22.6.12, Flugpostmarke 20 Pfg mit Plattenfehler Feld 53 "Farbpunkt zwischen O und S in LUFTPOST" nebst 5 Pfg Germania auf graubrauner Flugpostkarte, glatter Karton - Druckvariante: diagonal durchbalktes "ft" im Wort Luftpostkarte auf der Karten rückseite, Adressstempel "Altes Palais Darmstadt" (alter Ausruf 80)
