Prices Realized

Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 4018 - flugpost rhein-main

Friday Mar 17, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Mar 18, 2017 20:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Mar 17, 11:30 GMT

DARMSTADT 22. 6. 12, airmail stamp 20 Pfg (uneven affixed) together with 5 Pfg Germania on gray brown airmail postcard, smooth box, address cancel "old palace Darmstadt", additional Sekula inscription per manifold writer "832, this flight with difficulty connected. . . " (former starting price 50)
DARMSTADT 22.6.12, Flugpostmarke 20 Pfg (uneben aufgeklebt) nebst 5 Pfg Germania auf graubrauner Flugpostkarte, glatter Karton, Adressstempel "Altes Palais Darmstadt", zusätzliche Sekula-Beschriftung per Hektograph "832, Dieser Flug mit Schwierigkeiten v erbunden..." (alter Ausruf 50)
