
Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.

lot # 161 - THE PICTORIALS (incl. Blocks, PlBls, Bklts, & Collections)

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020 20:00 Asia/Jerusalem

1918/1948 Palestine mint stps Collection in Hawid mounts, mounted on 17 album pages of Sheffler - Weinstein published by the SIP covering all the issues incl. the better stps: SG #1 all the 3 shades, #2, #26II (certif. Dorfman), #35 (certif. Dorfman), #38 (certif. Dorfman & Royal), #43 (certif. Dorfman), #46 pair (certif. Dorfman), #70R (certif. Dorfman), #90aD, #97cD,  all the basic sets are cpl. culminating in P. Dues and Revenues; mostly vf (over 300 stps), Bale appx. $12,000 bargain at 

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