Closed Auction

lot # 37 - Medals, Tokens.

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018 17:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Medal - "Zer Zahav" - 2014.

A medal that was given during the journey of the members of the "Zer Zahav" circle to the participants.
In the front, the inscription "בדרכי הבעש"ט, מסע חברי חוג 'זר זהב'" (Translation: In the Path of the Baal Shem Tov, the Journey of the Members of the Zer Zahav Circle) and the caption: "כ"ח אב - א' אלול תשע"ה, אוקראינה" and a drawing of a carriage and a wagon leading to a hut on the mountainous background.
In the back, The caption "זר זהב, גור" ("Zer Zahav, Gur") and "שותפות זהב בכל תלמיד". Was divided between 28 Av - 1 Elul 2014
Size: 44 mm.